Synopsis of Lee Min Ho’s Mini-drama ‘One Line Love’ (Pictures)


International Hallyu star Lee Min Ho (27) recently modeled the Korean search engine site Naver's global messenger "Line" for China. "Line" filmed a promotional mini drama called " One Line Love." " One Line Love " is composed of three episodes, and stars actor Lee Min Ho of the popular SBS drama "The Heirs." Naver global messenger Line distributed the drama through the Chinese VOD site on May 9, 2014. The drama had a record of five million views. The mini drama "One Line Love" tells a story of a female Chinese tourist who visits Korea running into a Korean man. The story shows how the two main characters that do not speak each other's languages, communicate through the Naver's mobile messenger Line.

Lee Min Ho in the mini drama plays Min Ho, who meets Ling Ling, a Chinese tourist, while taking a walk in the park with his dog. Ling Ling runs into him at the park. They keep in touch with each other using Naver's "line," and start to fall for each other. After exchanging messages and video chats, Lee Min Ho decides to serenade his love for her playing the piano.

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