Fantastic Four Reboot News: Screenwriter Relates Film To Iron Man And Batman Begins! Current Project ‘Much More Dramatic Than It Is A Comedy?'

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"Fantastic Four" reboot news reveals screenwriter Simon Kinberg's comparison of the said film to Iron Man and Batman Begins. He also dished that the current film will not be as comedic as the previous film.

Simon Kinberg's appointment of director Josh Trank aims to rebrand the "Fantastic Four" franchise from its 2006 origins to the current trend of superhero films.

The cast of characters include Miles teller who plays Reed Richards a.k.a Mr. Fantastic, Kate Mara as Sue Storm, a.k.a The Invisible Woman, Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm a.k.a The Human Torch, and Jamie Bell as Ben Grimm, a.k.a The Thing.

Tobey Kebbell, who is the latest addition to the cast, will be playing the main antagonist role of Dr. Doom.

Kinberg spoke to the The Daily Beast about the Fantastic Four reboot, and how he says that the aforementioned film will "not be as goofy as the first movies."

"The tone of this movie will feel as unique as when you saw 'Iron Man,' 'X-Men,' or 'Batman Begins' for the first time," Kinberg explained. "It's not as goofy as the first movies; it has humor in it, but the humor is much more real and comes from character, not pratfall jokes."

"It's a much more dramatic film than it is a comedy. I would say it falls somewhere between (Sam) Raimi's first couple of 'Spider-Man' movies and 'Chronicle,'" he added.

Simon Kinberg and Josh Trank have taken a highly unique approach in making the "Fantastic Four" reboot. Their decision to cast Michael B. Jordan to take on the role of Johnny Storm proves that as the actor is an African-American but the character was originally written as a Caucasian.

Kinberg, however, stood by their decision, adding that Jordan can become "the iconic Johnny Storm."

"He's doing something really cool with the character that I think will become the iconic Johnny Storm," Kinberg said. "Hopefully archaic fan-boys won't be blinkered by their prejudices and will embrace Jordan's performance."

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