The script reading meeting scene of the new SBS Monday Tuesday drama 'Temptation' was shared. On Monday, at the SBS Tan Hyun Production Center in Il San, Korea, the first script reading meeting of the new SBS Monday Tuesday drama 'Temptation' was held. The main actors Kwon Sang Woo and Choi Ji Woo showed up, in addition to actors Lee Jung Jin, Park Ha Sun, Yoon Ah Jung, producer Park Young Soo, and scriptwriter Han Ji Hoon. Kwon Sang Woo and Choi Ji Woo perfectly described the changes in feelings of the man and woman who are on the verge of falling down. In addition, actors Lee Jung Jin and Park Ha Sun also showed their charms in some of the scenes. The new SBS Monday Tuesday drama 'Temptation' tells a story of a man, who is on the verge of the end of his life, accepting an irrecusably fascinating offer, and his journey for the true love. The new SBS Monday Tuesday drama 'Temptation' will air this July after the current SBS drama 'Dr. Stranger' ends.
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