Jo In Sung Calls Epik High’s Tablo In “Superman Returns”

Jo In Sung

Actor Jo In Sung shows his close friendship with Epik High's Tablo.

On the June 22 broadcast of the Sunday variety program "Superman Returns," Jo In Sung gave his friend Tablo a phone call while the latter is on his way with daughter Haru to a botanical garden. Joining them are actor Jang Hyun Seung, and his sons Junu and Junseo.

Tablo greeted Jo In Sung casually, and went on to talk about how people would be surprised at how close they are. He also revealed, "When we have plans to meet up, I arrive late and go home early," stating their height difference as the reason for his action.

When Tablo passed the phone to Jang Hyun Seung, the actor told Jo In Sung, "When you get married and become a father, give us a call," eliciting laughter from the other line.

The botanical garden they were headed to was the setting of Jo In Sung previous project, so Tablo handed the phone to his daughter, and when Jo In Sung talked to Haru, she asked him if there are dogs or dinosaurs in the botanical garden.

Catch Jo In Sung's upcoming romance drama "It's Okay, It's Love" on July 23.

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