‘Superman Returns’ Lee Haru Calls Top Star Jo In Sung


Hip hop group Epik High Tablo's daughter Haru made actor Jo In Sung laugh. On the KBS 2 TV entertainment program "Happy Sunday - Superman Returns," which aired on June 29, 2014, hip hop group Epik High's Tablo and actor Jang Hyun Sung went on a trip together to a botanical garden. Actor Jo In Sung called Tablo while he was in the car, and they talked for a bit. Everyone else was surprised to see that Tablo and Jo In Sung were friends. Tablo told them Jo In Sung called him to let him know that he filmed a drama at the botanical garden they were going to. During his phone call with Tablo's daughter Haru, she asked Jo In Sung if there are dogs in botanical gardens. Jo In Sung said "There are no dogs in botanical gardens." Haru then asked him if there are dinosaurs in botanical gardens. In related news, the popular KBS 2 TV entertainment program "Happy Sunday - Superman Returns" is a TV show where celebrity fathers take care of their children. It features Epik High Tablo's daughter Haru, MMA fighter Choo Sung Hoon's daughter Choo Sarang, and comedian Lee Hwi Jae's twin sons Lee Suh Joon and Lee Suh Jin.

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