'Endless" Hwang Jung Eum And Meet Jung Woong In Meet Again

Endless Love

"Endless Love" Hwang Jung Eum met again with the cruel king maker Jung Woong In who made her dream a revenge as it predicted a bad relationship between the two people.

On the 3rd episode of "Endless Love" broadcast on June 28th, Han Kap Soo (played by Maeng Sang Hoon) the captain had died two years ago and the stories of In Ae (played by Hwang Jung Eum), Kwang Chul (played by Jung Kyung Ho) and Kwang Hoon (played by Ryu Soo Young) maturing was drawn.

In Ae who was a strong woman was upset that he didn't protect the person that he loved such as his mother or Kap Soo or Kwang Chul. He took the knife of revenge as he had survived the youth prison life. Kwang Chul who was lost was found in a fighting ring of Japan and with the guilt of his father's death, he lives a life without any direction.

In the 4th episode, with the filming of the documentary In Ae debuts with the filming to be a reason and it features the story of Kwang Chul who gets over the hump of death with the story of just a fist and survival.

Meanwhile, "Endless Love" penetrates the modern day life from the 70s until now, along with the dreams, passion and romance of the leading characters. It is produced by Lee Hyeon-jik and written by Nah Yeon-sook. To be broadcasted on the 21st after "Angel Eyes".

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