Endless Love" Hwang Jung Eum Doesn't Trust Journalists

Endless Love

"Endless Love" Hwang Jung Eum showed her lack of trust for the government as she expressed this to a foreign correspondent.

On the 3rd episode of SBS weekend drama "Endless Love" broadcast on June 28th, Suh In Ae (played by Hwang Jung Eum) expressed her extreme anger towards the foreign correspondents.

On this day, Suh In Ae became the protagonist of a documentary after passing the GED exam. However, the director was trying to set the situation in a false way and Suh In Ae said, "It's true that I'm from a youth prison. I thought I'd be discharged soon so I'm doing something embarrassing."

At this time, a foreign correspondent suggested honoring Suh In Ae's opinion as much as he honored her opinion. Suh In Ae asked why she was in the youth prison. Suh In Ae said that there was absolutely nothing she was ashamed of and talked about her internal feelings because there was nothing to hide.

Meanwhile, "Endless Love" penetrates the modern day life from the 70s until now, along with the dreams, passion and romance of the leading characters. It is produced by Lee Hyeon-jik and written by Nah Yeon-sook. To be broadcasted on the 21st after "Angel Eyes".

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