Actor Lee Min Ho covered a Hong Kong magazine. Today on Weibo, a picture of actor Lee Min Ho on the cover of a Hong Kong magazine went viral. In the picture, Lee Min Ho covered the Hong Kong magazine "Cheer," and posted for a few pictures for a story on his fan meeting in the magazine. The Hong Kong magazine "Cheer" in the article on Lee Min Ho described him as the "Male god of Asia," and delivered the story on his fan meeting in Hong Kong, where he had good times with his fans in Hong Kong. Actor Lee Min Ho in a recent interview with the Hong Kong TVB "Star talk" shared his thoughts on the new movie "Kang Nam Blues" and his fan meeting in Hong Kong on June 29, 2014. Lee Min Ho in the interview said on the fan meeting, "I felt great after meeting the fans in Hong Kong in a long time and receiving positive responses from the fan meeting." Actor Lee Min Ho became popular in China since his lead role in the popular SBS drama "The Heirs," which aired last winter. Recently, he was named the number one actor who "made the Hallyu wave in China vigorous" by a Chinese news media.
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