Hallyu star and actor Lee Min Ho picked actress Kim Hee Sun as an actress he found the most comfortable working with. Actor Lee Min Ho recently had a fan meeting with his Korean fans. On Tuesday, actor Lee Min Ho had a fan meeting hosted by the coffee shop Twosome Place. The event was named "Twosome Pairing," and took place in the Seoul CGV Chung Dam cinecity M Cube. The event featured actor Lee Min Ho. Actor Lee Min Ho's fans participated in the event in a randomized drawing. Actor Lee Min Ho made the café Twosome Place's new drink on the spot for the fans, and shared his thoughts and feelings with the fans. Actor Lee Min Ho said in the meeting, "Actress Kim Hee Sun was the partner I felt the most comfortable and enjoyable working with." Actor Lee Min Ho and actress Kim Hee Sun starred in the SBS Monday Tuesday drama "Faith" together, which ran in 2012. In related news, actor Lee Min Ho gained international popularity after a number of hit dramas, including the drama "Boys Over Flowers," "City Hunter," and "The Heirs." Actor Lee Min Ho became popular in China since his lead role in the popular SBS drama "The Heirs," which aired last winter. Recently, he was named the number one actor who "made the Hallyu wave in China vigorous" by a Chinese news media. He is currently filming the "Kang Nam Blues" with director Yoo Ha, which is to premiere this winter.
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