‘Wonderful Days’ Amelia wears bikini in front of Ok Taecyeon


The KBS 2 TV Saturday Sunday drama "Wonderful Days" Amelia made Ok Taec Yeon bewildered with her bikini dress.

On the 43rd episode of the KBS 2 TV Saturday Sunday drama "Wonderful Days" which aired on July 19, 2014, Kang Dong Hee was surprised to see Kim Ma Ri in a bikini dress.

On this day's episode, Kang Dong Hee received a picture of Kim Ma Ri in a bikini and was bewildered. When Kang Dong Hee saw Kim Ma Ri in person, she was not wearing a bikini but a bikini dress. Kim Ma Ri made fun of Kang Dong Hee, saying, "Why are you not wearing your underwear?" When Kang Dong Hee pretended to take off his pants, Kim Ma Ri said, "I lose." She added, "I know you were going through hard times, but that is that, and dating is dating. You can tell me when you are going through hard times from now on. I am your girlfriend," and kissed Kang Dong Hee on the lips, showing her affection.

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