‘Running Man’ Member Ji Suk Jin Invites His Friends to Program


The popular SBS entertainment program "I like Sundays - Running Man" member Ji Suk Jin's friends, Nam Hee Suk, Park Soo Hong, Kim Jae Dong, Lee So Yeon and Kim Hee Chul of Super Junior, are going to come together to the filming scenes of Running Man for him. Today, the producer Im Hyung Taek of the SBS entertainment program "I like Sundays - Running Man" shared in the interview, "Ji Suk Jin directly invited Nam Hee Suk, Park Soo Hong, Kim Jae Dong, Lee So Yeon and Kim Hee Chul of Super Junior to the program for a special 'friends' episode." He added, "We filmed the episode two days ago. Everyone worked hard on it. Please look forward to the special episode." The special friends episode will air in two weeks from now. On the upcoming episode of Running Man, actor Joo Won and Hong Suk Chun are going to star as guests. In related news, the SBS entertainment program "I like Sundays - Running Man" stars Running Man members Song Ji Hyo, Gary, Kim Jong Gook, Ji Suk Jin and Lee Kwang Soo, and airs every Sunday night.

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