‘We Got Married’ Woo Young and Park Sae Young show off their flawless skin


The MBC entertainment program "We Got Married Season 4" Woo Young and Park Sae Young showed off their flawless skin to each other. On the most recent episode of the MBC entertainment program "We Got Married Season 4" which aired on August 16, 2014, Woo Young and Park Sae Young hosted a birthday party. On this day's episode, Woo Young and Park Sae Young got themselves out of the "homeless couple" list after achieving over 90% of satisfaction rate in the birthday song mission. Woo Young and Park Sae Young moved to a new house in Chung Dam Dong, Seoul. Satisfied with their new house, Woo Young and Park Sae Young ate together and washed their faces. While Woo Young and Park Sae Young washed each other's face and put lotion on each other's face, they showed off their flawless skin. In related news, the popular MBC entertainment program "We Got Married" is a reality show that shares the lives of the celebrities who are married to each other in the program.

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