‘Night Watchman’s Journal’ secret of Jung Il Woo’s flower print hanbok


Actor Jung Il Woo of the MBC Monday Tuesday drama "Night Watchman's Journal" shared that the flower print hanbok (Korean traditional costume) he wore is made by his own mother, who is a professor of traditional Korean arts in Boo Yeo, Korea. He shared with his fans that his mother made the fabric by hand, putting the flower prints on them one by one. Actor Jung Il Woo visited his mother's studio and watched her work on the fabric. In related news, actor Jung Il Woo in the new MBC Monday Tuesday drama "Night Watchman's Journal" plays Yi Rin, the prince of exorcism with a great sense of style. Actor Jung Il Woo previously shared that he is excited to uncover the fashion of the Cho Sun dynasty, which was 500 years ago, through the drama. Actor Jung Il Woo also said he lost weight for the role in the drama.

The MBC fantasy romance drama "Night Watchman's Journal" which tells the story of exorcists in Cho Sun dynasty. The drama airs every Monday and Tuesday.

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