Celebrities Participate In The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Yoo Yeon Suk
Yoo Jae Suk
Jo In Sung
Lee Kwang Soo

The internet sensation that took the world by storm has made its way to Korea, and celebrities are doing their part in spreading the word.

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge was conceptualized to bring awareness and funds to patients of the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, otherwise known as Lou Gehrig's disease.

Several Hollywood celebrities and artists have taken part in the online trend, and it seems that the challenge has reached the Korean shore as celebrities, singers, and artists from the entertainment scene are posting their respective challenge videos.

According to the rules, a participant must accept the challenge within 24 hours of being tagged, and douse themselves in ice cold water. Afterwards, they have to tag three other people who they want to see participate.

Should they decline the challenge, they are to donate $100 to their local charity that supports ALS patients, but while most of the celebrities opted to take the ice bucket challenge for fun, they still donated the full amount to charity.

Some of the celebrities who participated are actors Yoo Yeon Suk, Jo In Sung and Lee Kwang Soo, actress, Park Han Byul, and MC Yoo Jae Suk.

Those who participated are calling out that although the whole challenge was fun to do, everyone should not forget the point of the activity, and do their part aiding the good cause, whether by participating in the challenge or donating to the charity.

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