Celebrity Abuse: Should Hallyu Stars Be Held To Higher Standards Than Hollywood Stars?

Kim Hyun Joong
Park Shi Hoo
Chris Brown
Sean Penn
Charlie Sheen

The assault charges against singer and actor Kim Hyun Joong have not yet been proven. For now, they are only allegations. But if the singer is found guilty, it seems likely that his career will suffer, as k-celebs are held to a higher standard than Hollywood stars.

The closest case to compare it to might be actor Park Shi Hoo's 2013 date rape scandal. The allegations damaged his career even though the charges were eventually dropped. He has not worked in Korea since the charges were made early in 2013. The news that he might be cast in a drama even after the charges were dropped prompted so much negative criticism that his involvement did not happen.

He has worked outside of Korea but it might be a while before Korean audiences accept him. And there is no evidence that he was even guilty of the charges. Just the taint of the scandal was enough to indict him and stall his Korean career.

The charges made against Kim Hyun Joong can be considered domestic abuse since the person he allegedly hit was his girlfriend. In comparison, dozens of American celebrities have been accused and some arrested for domestic abuse, some more than once. Their careers were damaged but they continued to work and a few even enjoyed greater success. According to a Feb. 2013 Washington Post article on celebrity abuse, the lineup of abusers includes singer Chris Brown, who bit and punched singer-girlfriend Rihanna; actor Charlie Sheen whose multiple abuse charges include shooting his fiancée in the arm; and Sean Penn, who reportedly hit Madonna with a baseball bat sending her to the hospital.

After threatening his wife with a knife in 2009, Sheen was sentenced to 30 days in rehab. He bounced back quickly to become the highest paid actor in the U.S. in 2010. Three years after admitting to the domestic abuse charges, Chris Brown won his first Grammy. Sean Penn continues to have a successful film career.

While the careers of these U.S. celebrities suffered temporarily, they bounced back, with some even complaining that the media paid too much attention to their personal lives.

There may have been extenuating circumstances in the case of Kim Hyun Joong and his girlfriend. There's no way to know until all the evidence is in. But should the actor be judged solely on the basis of his career moves and not his domestic abuse charges? That would be more likely in the world of Hollywood celebs.

What do you think about the fact that Hallyu stars are held to a higher standard than Hollywood stars when it comes to scandalous behavior?

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