‘Fated To Love You’ and ‘The Joseon Gunman’ Tie For First Place

Fated To Love You
Jang Nara
Jang Hyuk
Choi Jin Hyuk
The Joseon Gunman
Lee Jun Ki
Nam Sang Mi
It's Okay It's Love
Jo In Sung
Gong Hyo Jin

It's unusual when there is a tie in the ratings for first place but that's what happened this week. The romantic comedy about a destined love and the historical drama about a swordfighter who takes up a gun were tied for first place among viewers.

"The Joseon Gunman" and "Fated To Love You" each netted 11.5 percent in the Nielsen ratings. "The Joseon Gunman," starring Lee Jun Ki and Nam Sang Mi, has been in first place for a while, but "Fated To Love You" has slowly been catching up. This week "The Joseon Gunman" rose slightly with a bump up from 10.8 percent. The jump was bigger for "Fated To Love You" as it rose from 9.9 percent.

The comedy started out on a silly note with some slapstick-bizarre plot twists but then settled into a touching and heart-wrenching romance about two people meant to unite despite the odds.

Jang Nara and Jang Hyuk's characters, who married and divorced but never forgot each other, finally confessed their feelings for each other and reunited. That left the characters played by Choi Jin Hyuk and Wang Ji Won feeling sad, but viewers may yet discover these two may be brother and sister. That would be nice as Choi Jin Hyuk played one of the nicer second leads in k-drama history in this comedy. His character could use someone to dry his tears.

In "The Joseon Gunman," Soo In has been sent to court. Was it a sacrifice to save Lee Jun Ki's character Yoon Kang? At court she can hear some valuable information for their cause. The coup moves closer to realization. Yoon Kang prepares to leave those he loves as the drama rushes toward a tense and hopefully happy ending.

It's a close competition, so we can't predict who will be in first place next week.

"It's Okay, It's Love" did well too, rising 0.6 percent from a 9.1 percent viewer rating for the first episode this week to a 9.7 percent rating on the second night.

Jo In Sung's mystery novelist character and Gong Hyo Jin's psychiatrist have fallen for each other despite their shortcomings, but she does not yet quite know he sees people that are not there. The two discuss marriage and their future but Jo In Sung's character still has a lot of issues in his past to deal with, primarily his mistaken impression that he was responsible for his stepfather's death.

Who will win next week? What do you think?

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