‘Love Rain’ Yoona Hopes Yuri The Best With ‘Fashion King’

Love Rain
Fashion King
Yoon Ah

The premiere for 'Love Rain' took place on the 22nd in Seoul's Lotte Hotel. She stated, "I hope Yuri does well, that both drama does well."

"We talk about the filming and support each other through watching the other's drama."

Yoona was asked, "Don't you still want to win?" She laughed and replied with, "I hope we both do well."

Yoona takes on the role of Kim Yoon Hee in the '70s and Jung Ha Na in 2012. Yoon Hee majors in family studies and is a quiet, innocent girl. Ha Na is Yoon Hee's daughter and is an outgoing girl. The drama 'Love Rain' shows innocent love in two different generations.

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