Yoo In Na - Ji Hyun Woo, Now Dates In Public, '22cm Height Difference'

Yoo In Na
Ji Hyun Woo

'Official Couple' Yoo In Na and Ji Hyun Woo were captured on a date.

Recently on the online community dashboards a picture captioned 'Yoo In Na and Ji Hyun Woo publically dating captured!' was uploaded.

In the captured picture, a very tall Ji Hyun Woo wearing a white t shirt with a cap and Yoo In Na also wearing a white t shirt with a black backpack over her shoulders was captured.

Due to their 22cm height difference these two are dubbed the 'Two Two Couple,' and this picture confirmed the big height difference between them.

The online community has been commenting 'People are saying they roamed around the city, eating, shopping, watching a movie and got white gold rings with their initials engraved on them." , "It's so good to see them like normal couples roaming around and dating" , "It looks like they are stuck in their own worlds, it's so sweet and cute! I heard because they were so into each other, people couldn't dare to go up to them to ask for signatures or pictures."

Yoo In Na and Ji Hyun Woo became a couple through their past production 'Queen In Hyun's Man.'

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