'I Do I Do' Park Gun Hyung, Kim Sun Ah "Let's Get Married" Proposal

I Do I Do
Kim Sun Ah

Park Gun Hyun proposed to Kim Sun Ah.

On the 'I do I do' 10th episode that aired on the 4th, Eun Sung(Park Gun Hyung) asked Ji An(Kim Sun Ah) to marry him even though she is pregnant with another man's baby.

On this day Eun Sung tried to handle the marriage articles between him and Ji An that were going around but could not handle it well.

Then Eun Sung when to visit Ji An's house and hears from her that there was a quickening from her fetus and does a check up on her.

When he puts the stethoscope on her belly to check the status of her fetus, he begins to say "Ankle(nickname of the fetus) is trying to say something, I'll translate for you"

"The articles that said mommy and Mr. Doctor is getting married, Mr. Doctor tried to take care of it but it didn't work out. So Mr. Doctor is very very sorry that he could be no help. That he couldn't protect you." And delievered his honesty to her.

Ji An went on to reply "Deliever this to ankle,"

"Mommy knows how much Mr. Doctor tried. So tell him not to be sorry. Mommy is very very thankful."

Then Eun Sung put the stethoscope to Ji An's ear and said "Ankle's mom, let's get married."

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