'Endless Love' Shim Hye Jin Holds Jung Woong In's Hand

Endless Love

"ENdless Love" Shim Hye Jin and Jung Woong In joined forces again.

On the 33rd episode of SBS weekend drama "Endless Love" broadcast on October 11th, Min Hye Rin (played by Shim Hye Jin) came back to normal after showing signs of mental dementia.

On this day, Min Hye Rin called Park Young Tae (played by Jung Woong In). She said, "I forgot everythign starting from the day that Kim Gun Pyo the Prime Minister was dragged off Into custody. Regardless of how much I try to think of this, I can't remember" and showed her awe.

Park Young Tae was completely surprised saying, "Thank you for comin back" and was ecstatic. Min Hye Rin asked, "Were you really temporarily insane? Just like the doctor or the nurse was saying?"

At this, MiN Hye Rin said, "Think about what had happeend while I was going crazy." Min Hye Rin showed how full of ambition she was as if she was back In politics.

Meanwhile, "Endless Love" penetrates the modern day life from the 70s until now, along with the dreams, passion and romance of the leading characters. It is produced by Lee Hyeon-jik and written by Nah Yeon-sook. To be broadcasted on the 21st after "Angel Eyes".

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