Actress Park Shin Hye was spotted in San Francisco, California, on the fashion photo shoot with the star and fashion magazine In Style. Actress Park Shin Hye said in the interview following the photo shoot, "I was planning to go on a vacation in the fall, so I was really grateful when In Style suggested to take photos in San Francisco." Actress Park Shin Hye is going to star in the upcoming SBS Wednesday Thursday drama "Pinocchio." It is going to be produced by director Park Hye Ryun. The drama tells a story of entry-level reporters working for a newspaper company. In the new SBS Wednesday Thursday drama "Pinocchio," actress Park Shin Hye plays the main character called Choi In Ha, who hiccups whenever she lies to other people. This becomes the reason why she decides to work as a reporter for a newspaper company. Actress Park Shin Hye is to play her role with actor Lee Jong Suk, who plays Choi Dal Po who is an attractive, smart reporter.
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