'Bridal Mask' Joo Won, Self Destructs To Block Jeon No Min's Public Execution? 'Turn Over Preview'

Bridal Mask
Joo Won

Joo Won self destructed in order to block the public execution of Jeon No Min who wore the 'bridal mask.'

On the 18th episode of KBS 2TV 'Bridal Mask' that aired on August 1st, Mok Dam Sa Ri's public execution was planned.

Kimura Shunji said to Oh Mok Dan, "I'm really sorry. There was nothing I could do. I tried everything I could do, but it was no use. There will be a public execution at Kyungsung Station."

Originally, the bridal mask and army were planning to save Mok Dam Sa Ri. While Lee Kang To was trying to save Oh Mok Dan, he got injured and could not go to the execution ground. Oh Mok Dan said to Lee Kang To, "If you die, your father, who is the hope of the Koreans, will be more heart broken," and persuaded him not to go to the execution ground. However, Lee Kang To wore his bridal mask and prepared to go to the execution ground.

On the day of the execution, the leader Jo and the Koreans wore white clothes, showing their disapproval of the execution. They said, "Dam Sa Ri, we will go with you." Oh Dong Nyun in white cloth yelled, "You guys, kill me too."

Shunji shot his gun and Oh Dong Nyun fainted. While the Koreans were disturbed, the bridal mask appeared slightly clumsy and was shot several times by Shunji. He then set off the bomb on his body.

It is assumed that one of the army for independence members were being used for the bomb, and Mok Dam Sa Ri and Oh Dong Nyun's lives are at stake and the expectations is rising, for who the bridal mask is.

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