In Hallyu star Lee Min Ho's debut film 'Kangnam Blues,' which is to premiere in January of 2015, singer and actress Sul Hyun of the girl group AOA is going to star as Lee Min Ho's lover. For this role, over 500 actresses and singers in Korea auditioned. Sul Hyun in 'Kangnam Blues' is going to play a character named Sun Hye, and show romantic scenes with Lee Min Ho. Hallyu Star Lee Min Ho's upcoming film 'Kang Nam 1970' is going to premiere in January of next year. In the film, actor Lee Min Ho plays the main protagonist with a tragic life story. "Kang Nam 1970" is Lee Min Ho's debut film "Kang Nam 1970," previously known as "Kang Nam Blues," is an action noir movie based in the Kang Nam city in the 1970s. It tells a story of the development of Seoul in the 1970s, and is directed by popular film director Yoo Ha.
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