Actor Lee Jong Hyuk “Numb to Wife’s Pregnancy During Hard Times…In the End Had an Abortion”

Lee Jong Hyuk
A Gentlemans Dignity
Win Win

Lee Jong Hyuk revealed the hardships that he had experienced during the 12 years of marriage and about how he wasn't able to show happiness at the news of his wife's pregnancy.

In the episode of KBS talk show 'Win Win' that was aired on the 21st of August, Lee Jong Hyuk revealed, "During the time I was a theater actor, I dated my wife for 6 months and 10 months after meeting her, we got married."

Lee Jong Hyuk continued, "I didn't have much financially but I didn't want to lose her so I rushed the marriage." As a result he got married at the early age of 29. He received $50,000 from his parents and, with much difficulty, found a house. Also, for 6 months he was unemployed and lived off his wife's income.

Lee Jong Hyuk revealed, "After getting married, I had no income so I borrowed money from my friends who had steady jobs. I even borrowed money from my mother-in-law."

In addition, "In these hard times, my wife became pregnant and so I was unable to congratulate and thank her. I think my wife was very disappointed. To make matters worse, my wife didn't know she was pregnant and took strong medicine. In the end, she had to get an abortion."

"On the way home from the hospital my wife cried a lot in the car," Lee Jong Hyuk revealed as he showed his apologetic heart towards his wife.

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