Jang Hyuk And Oh Yeon Seo To Play Royal Lovers In 'Shine or Go Crazy'

Jang Hyuk
Oh Yeon Seo
Shine or Go Crazy
Honey Lee

It's official. Jang Hyuk and Oh Yeon Seo have accepted roles in the upcoming historical drama "Shine Or Go Crazy. MBC has confirmed that the actor will play the troubled King Gwangjong, a ruler in 10th century Korea. It has also been confirmed that Oh Yeon Seo will play a princess with the solution to the king's problems.

"I will greet everyone with a historical drama early next year," said Jang Hyuk, who recently charmed audiences with his role in the hit comedy "Fated To Love You." "Because it has been four years since my last historical drama I am very excited."

King Gwangjong was known for his political reforms and the cruelty with which he accomplished them. He was tormented by a prophecy that he would cover his kingdom in blood. Fortunately his problems are the result of a curse and the princess may be the one to lift the curse.

Oh Yeon Seo plays Princess Shin Yeol of the Balhae kingdom, which history says lasted until 926 A.D. She's kindhearted, smart and strong, everything a ruler should be, except that she no longer has a kingdom to call her own.

"I am so happy to work with a great project, great actors and great staff," said Oh Yeon Seo, who was last seen in "Jang Bo Ri Is Here." "I am also very nervous and I feel some pressure. I will work hard to meet people's expectations and show strong acting."

Although the princess is the love that the king needs to transform his life, she will have some competition for his favor. It has been rumored that Honey Lee will play the king's queen and half-sister, Queen Daemok. That's true to life as the real Gwangjong really married his half-sister. Daemok was described as the most beautiful woman in the country and an expert at mixing up poison. There has been no confirmation on Honey Lee's participation in this drama.

"Shine or Go Crazy" is based on a novel of the same name and will air in January 2015 following "Pride and Prejudice."

Besides appearing in the romantic comedy "Fated To Love You," Jang Hyuk was also recently seen in the drama special "Old Goodbye" and the web drama "Love Cells." Jang Hyuk's previous historical dramas were "Chuno" and "Deep-Rooted Tree."

This is also not the first historical drama for Oh Yeon Seo, who appeared in "Medical Top Team" and "My Husband Got A Family." She had a role in the historical drama "King Sejong" and played Queen Inwon in "Dong Yi."

The drama's producer Son Hyung Suk worked on "Two Weeks," "An Angel's Choice," and "Personal Taste." Hyun Go Un will write the screenplay.

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