The SBS Wednesday Thursday drama "Pinocchio" actress Park Shin Hye and actor Lee Jong Suk spent the night, cuddling each other. On the most recent episode of the SBS Wednesday Thursday drama "Pinocchio" which aired on November 27, 2014, Choi Dal Po, played by actor Lee Jong Suk, and Choi In Ha, played by actress Park Shin Hye, had to sleep in the reporter's room in the police office, after a long night of covering an event. They were crawled in a small reporter's room and, later, Lee Jong Suk gave Park Shin Hye an arm pillow, and they cuddled each other while sleeping. In related news, the SBS Wednesday Thursday drama "Pinocchio" tells a story of entry-level reporters working for a newspaper company. Actress Park Shin Hye plays the main character called Choi In Ha, who is a reporter who hiccups whenever she lies to other people. Actor Lee Jong Suk plays the other main character Choi Dal Po, also known as Nam Da Reum, in the drama, who is an attractive, smart reporter.
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