The SBS weekend drama 'Birth of a Beauty' actor Joo Sang Wook and actress Han Ye Seul shared their first kiss in tears. On the tenth episode of the SBS weekend drama "Birth of a Beauty" which aired on November 30, 2014, Han Tae Hee, played by actor Joo Sang Wook, confessed his love for Sara, played by actress Han Ye Seul, and asked her out. On this day's episode, Han Tae Hee said to Sara, "I can't live without you now. I need you," and felt happy while planning Sara's birthday party. Sara also felt happy, saying to herself, "I'm so excited. I haven't felt this way in a long time." When they confronted each other about Sara's past identity as Sa Geum Ran, they newly found trust on each other, and kissed, confirming their love. In related news, the SBS romantic comedy weekend drama 'Birth of a Beauty' tells a story of physical trainer Han Sang Wook, played by actor Joo Sang Wook, who goes out with a girl named Sara, actress Han Ye Seul, and transforms her into a beautiful woman. 'Birth of a Beauty' airs every Friday and Saturday night.
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