Park Ji Sun Has Confidence Regarding Her Looks "I've Never Thought That I Was Ugly"

Park Ji Sun
Win Win

Comedian Park Ji Sun showed her confidence regarding her looks.

Park Ji Sun appeared on the KBS 2TV show 'Kim Seung Woo's Win Win' on the 2nd of October. Park Ji Sun stated that, before she became a comedian, she has never thought that she was ugly. She also said that her looks wasn't one of her complexes and gained the attention of people.

On this episode, Park Ji Sun stated, "it's not that I'm ugly, I just look unique. I look average, I look like a student. I'm very sweet looking," and she complimented her looks.

Park Ji Sun added, "my family just talks about certain parts of my appearance, but they don't talk about my looks as a whole," and she made people burst out with laughter.

Park Ji Sun added, "in reality, my comedian coworkers usually don't really tell me that I'm ugly."

On this episode of 'Win Win,' other than Park Ji Sun, the comedians Jung Kyung Mi, Huh An Na, Kim Young Hee from KBS 2TV's 'Gag Concert- Comedy Actresses,' appeared as visiting guests on the show.

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