'Pinocchio' Lee Jong Suk's Revenge Starts Against Jin Kyung'


In SBS Wednesday/Thursday drama "Pinocchio," Lee Jong Suk started his revenge towards Jin Kyung.

On the episode of SBS Wednesday/Thursday drama "Pinocchio" broadcast on December 18th, Ki Jae Myung (played by Yoon Kyun Sang) appeared as a guest in the news program that MSC Song Cha Ok (played by Jin Kyung) managed.

On this day, Song Cha Wook called Ki Jae Myung a national hero. He released the content of the interview that he had conducted thirteen years ago and wrapped it up saying, "At the time, MSC was the only broadcasting company that had told the story of Ki Jae Myung's unjust story." Nonetheless, after checking the content of the interview, Ki Jae Myung exposed the truth that the content didn't really address the unjust facts of Song Cha Ok's father but only the sides where she was yelling.

Moreover, Ki Jae Myung mocked Song Cha Ok saying that depending on the editing process, a person could change from being an devilish person to a hero. He said, "Reporter Song had changed my father and transformed him into a devil. Just like he made my father a devil, the reporter made me a hero when I was really a murderer."

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