Actor Lee Min Ho delivered New Year's greetings for his fans on his Weibo account. On December 31, 2014, he said on his Weibo account, "Happy New Year. Let's greet the new year with me," and posted a picture of him from a concert. On this day, he was also spotted coming back to Korea through Incheon international airport from his events in Thailand and China, wearing a warm looking down jacket, jeans and black loafers. In related news, actor Lee Min Ho has been continuing on his global tour "RE:MINHO" since October of 2014. The last performance will take place in Ilsan, Korea, on January 3, 2015. He has hosted the tour in a number of countries including Japan, China, Hong Kong and Thailand. His charity works have also been an issue this winter, including 'Promiz Knock.' 'Promiz Knock' is a charity platform website he built that helps deliver delivered clean water to people in Africa. In addition, his new film 'Kang Nam 1970' premiered in Korea.
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