Yoo Ah In Again Helps Kids in Need

Yoo Ah In

Actor Yoo Ah In has donated $100,000 of the profits made through his clothing brand Newkids Nohant to a charity fund that benefits adolescents. The money was donated to the Beautiful Foundation as part of the Newkids Yoo Ah In Charity Fund.

According to enewsworld, the fund will benefit The Supporting Business for Youth Cultural Activities, which helps deprived adolescents experience a variety of enriching cultural experiences. The fund will also be used to provide university tuition fees and support educational expenses for adolescents living in and aging out of residential care centers.

The actor, who has played both a prince and a pauper, spoke about the importance of helping underprivileged children get ahead.

"Children in underprivileged groups can't help but to run the unfair and unequal race on top of the tracks built by the adults," said Yoo Ah In. "I am trying to provide the opportunity for children to grow without being forced to the dark sides or edges of the society, and instead to help them become the adventurous, competitive leaders of the future."

He launched the Newkids Nohant clothing line in May 2014 in collaboration with his friend, clothing designer Nohant. Yoo Ah In designed and modeled the t-shirts that featured both Korean and English letters. He named his design project "language in fashion" and the t-shirts were sold in pop-up stores. As he promised, the profits benefited teens in need.

It's not the first time the actor had provided financial aid for adolescents. He previously donated $77,000 to a 2012 campaign titled "I Am Against The Unfair Food Tray of Children." The donation was given to help poor children eat healthier more nutritious lunches. He made that donation quietly, without even telling his agency, but when the news went public, he explained his rationale.

"We can help children to get enough nutrition and proper meals and provide living facilities,' he said in an email to the Beautiful Foundation. "To pursue a better life first we have to take care of children's lives, especially those who haven't enjoyed the basics yet. I was lucky enough to eat fatty pork while there are unexpected, unfortunate and neglected children around. Therefore my good luck should be used to provide a little hope."

He is also not done with making donations. He plans to contribute to more programs for youth cultural activities through Studio Concrete, a group he established in 2014.

Yoo Ah In, who dropped out of high school to pursue acting, did a good job of playing a poor boy with seemingly unrealistic musical dreams in the critically acclaimed melodrama "Secret Love Affair. But he can play rich young men too. He stars as a young millionaire without a conscience in the crime thriller "Veteran" and he plays the doomed Crown Prince Sado in the historical film "Sado.

Yoo Ah In, 28, is reportedly considering beginning his two-year mandatory military service in 2015.

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