ZOMBIE MAMMA'S DRAMA REVIEW: Hyde, Jekyll and I Episodes 1-2

Hyde Jekyll and I
Multiple personality disorder
Hyun Bin
Han Ji Min
Lee Deok Hwa
Sung Joon

Hey everyone! Zombie Mamma here, excited to share with you my review of Hyun Bin and Han Ji Min's brand new drama, Hyde, Jekyll and I. Hooray!

As far as first episodes go, Hyde, Jekyll and I pretty much nailed it. By the end of the first episode I knew exactly who the main characters were and what their story was but beyond that, I was so interested in what was happening, it killed me to have to stop watching long enough to make supper and feed my tiny zombie horde. Of course there's no better way to reward yourself for fulfilling your mom duties than by sitting down to the next episode of a drama you're hooked on and I have to say, I'm completely hooked on Hyde, Jekyll and I.

I love the way we've been introduced to our main characters. Right off the bat we see that Goo Seo Jin is not your typical CEO. He may have the money, power and position of most drama CEOs (and, of course, he's ridiculously handsome) but it doesn't take long for us to see that his position is by no means secure. In fact, he's on the brink of losing everything he has. Why? Because he suffers from dissociative identity disorder (or multiple personality disorder) and his jerk face of a father, Koo Myung Han (played by Lee Deok Hwa, who was such a brilliant villain in Hotel King I can't quite see him in this new role without being reminded of Lee Joong Goo, at least not yet). Myung Han doesn't believe his son is fit for his position, because of his disorder, and has no problem voicing that opinion. In fact, Koo Myung Han's first encounter with his son (while he's in the hospital, mind you) is not to check up on Seo Jin's well-being but to tell him, quite plainly, to get out and never come back. Even better, on their second meeting, Myung Han hands Seo Jin a plane ticket and essentially tells him to get lost. Wow, what a great dad! It's no wonder Seo Jin never smiles, poor guy has probably never encountered a friendly word in his life. Well, at least not from his father.

It seems Seo Jin may have received more than a few kinds words from Jang Ha Na when they were younger and that makes me happy. I love that Seo Jin and Ha Na seem to have a past, even if they don't know it yet. I think things between Seo Jin and Ha Na are going to be interesting, as these two can't be anywhere near each other without fighting. I love it when an OTP starts out hating each other but eventually comes to love each other, it's just so much fun! What makes this particular paring even more interesting is the fact that we've got Seo Jin's alter-personality, Robin, making a return after five years of silence. It's obvious Robin's return is connected to Ha Na and I'm wondering if Robin didn't make his first appearance 15 years ago, when Seo Jin rescued Han Na after she fell from that bridge. At this point I'm thinking Ha Na's accident may have something to do with Robin's appearance but is probably not the sole reason he first appeared. That flashback Seo Jin had, when Ha Na asked him if he'd regret losing everything he had, makes me think there's more trauma in Seo Jin's past than watching a girl fall from a bridge. What that trauma is, remains a mystery but that's a good thing seeing as how we're only two episodes in.

Speaking of mysteries, this drama certainly isn't lacking any! Not only do we have a hero with a mysterious past, an alternate personality and an ominous sounding "nineties protocol" that, for some reason, makes me want to wear flannel shirts and listen to Nirvana. We've also got a missing doctor whose life may be in jeopardy and a heroine who's suddenly found herself on a bad guy's hit list. Though we know why this mysterious stranger is after her, we don't know who he is nor do we know why he was after the doctor in the first place. Was he a former patient of hers? Maybe a criminal she worked with as part of her collaborative work with the police? I have no idea but what I do know is this guy is serious trouble and he's after Ha Na. Knowing Ha Na is key to finding the missing doctor, Seo Jin is determined to keep her safe but being the horrible communicator that he his, all of his attempts come off as cold and uncaring. It makes sense for Seo Jin to be this way, seeing as how he's been living in solitude for the past five years and has obviously never been much of a people person, but Ha Na knows nothing about this and can only see Seo Jin as a selfish jerk. Still, she could have been a little more gracious when he offered to keep her safe, rather than storming off like bratty teenager but I guess that would make things too easy. As it is, with Ha Na storming off we have a perfect opportunity for Robin to make his second appearance and I have to say, I love his super-hero antics.

I'm not sure if it's because my dork brain automatically brings Batman to mind whenever I hear the name Robin but I can't help but find some very happy connections between the two. First, we have the fact that Seo Jin is a super-rich CEO who spends a ridiculous amount of time trying to keep the world from discovering his "other" side which sounds an awful lot like Bruce Wayne. Second, we have Robin always swooping in to rescue those in distress and not just Ha Na, as we saw in the CCTV footage Seo Jin keeps on file in his super-secret "Bat Cave." Third, we have Robin's amazing acrobatic skills which fits perfectly with Robin Robin's background as the youngest member of the acrobatic troupe, the Flying Graysons. I could totally see Ha Na trying to recruit Robin at some point and that would make me ridiculously happy, watching Robin fill the shoes of well, Robin. Of course there's also the whole Incredible Hulk thing going on, with Seo Jin trying to keep his MSP from going over 150, so maybe Seo Jin and Robin are more a combination of superheroes than any one in particular. Who knows, maybe he'll start flying next... Or not. While I'll be the first to admit you can't make Seo Jin or Robin fit one specific superhero profile there are some pretty interesting similarities and I find myself wondering just how far this quasi-superhero theme will go.

While I may be letting my imagination run freely with this whole superhero thing, there's a lot more in Hyde, Jekyll and I to keep me interested and I'm really looking forward to seeing where this story goes. Whether this drama lives up to the potential I see in it remains to be seen but I'm enjoying it so far and that's enough to keep me content, at least for now. (Well, that and the fact I not only have Hyun Bin to squee over for the next eighteen episodes but also Sung Joon. What more could a drama loving zombie ask for?)

So what are your thoughts on Hyde, Jekyll and I? Did you enjoy these first two episodes or not so much? You know I always love hearing from you so be sure to let me know what you're thinking by leaving me a comment below!

Content courtesy of Zombie Mamma - originally posted HERE.

Any opinions expressed are not those of KDramaStars, but are the ideas of the writer.

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