ZOMBIE MAMMA'S DRAMA REVIEW: Hyde, Jekyll and I Episodes 3-4

Hyde Jekyll and I
Hyun Bin
Han Ji Min
Sung Joon
Multiple personality disorder
Medical drama

Oh my goodness! I knew, at the end of last week, that this was going to be a fun drama but I had no idea it was going to be this much fun! Two weeks in and already my heart has fluttered more times than I can count, which means I'm hooked!

Of course there's more to this drama than a bunch of warm-fuzzies (though let's not be too hasty in writing off those fuzzies, I rather enjoy them). The mystery behind the missing doctor is growing, as is the amount of danger Ha Na is really in. I don't know how you're handling this deadly stalker but he's really starting to freak me out! It's bad enough this guy has already pushed Ha Na off a building, practically squashed her with a massive disco ball and nearly flattened her with a motorcycle but now we know this guy is walking around in broad daylight, acting like the friendly guy next door. What's worse is this guy is also a patient of Yoon Tae Joo which means he has access to both Ha Na and Seo Jin's records and that just makes me nervous on so many levels. I'm worried not only for Ha Na and Seo Jin's safety but also Tae Joo's. This guy has already taken out one doctor, who's to say he's not going to take out another? My question is, why is he doing all of this in the first place? It's obvious he's working for someone but who? Who's the mysterious puppet master pulling this guy's strings? I have several suspects lined up but I'm not ready to point any fingers just yet.

As terrifying as it is to have Ha Na in a constant state of mortal peril it does make for some rather heart fluttering moments. I mean who doesn't love watching Robin swoop in at the last second to save her? I know I do! Though I do have to admit, the moments that really got to me this week weren't those between Ha Na and Robin but between her and Seo Jin. Yes, I know. Robin is such an adorable character, he's sweet and charming and he's got a smile so warm it could thaw Arendelle faster than Elsa ever could. He's also played a bit part in Ha Na's past and the two of them have such incredible chemistry, it's impossible to not love him and I do. I love Robin oh so much! But there's something about Seo Jin and the way he interacts with Ha Na... I know he's a jerk most of the time but Ha Na has a knack for dismantling Seo Jin's jerkiness and that's really what makes my heart flutter. It's those few brief moments, between all the bickering, where she covers his ears to help him regain his composure, or he hands her an umbrella to keep the snow off of her as she walks home... Those are the moments that tell me there's more to their story than petty quarrels and hurt feelings and I'm dying to find out what that story is.

One of the things I'm loving about this drama is the fact that there's more than one story being told here and they all have me on the edge of my seat, wondering what's going to happen next. Just as Ha Na and Seo Jin have their story, Robin has a story of his own. This week we find that Robin was more than just an unwelcome intruder on Seo Jin's life. He actually had a life of his own, one that was so involved it included a career as a webtoonist and some very good friends. I'm not sure how involved Robin and this new girl, Min Woo Jung, were but it's obvious she has a thing for him and I can see that causing all kinds of problems once she realizes Robin's back. Not because Robin is going to have feelings for her but because she has such obvious feelings for him and we all know how ugly rivalry can get. Whatever happens between Robin and his old friends, he maintains an interesting relationship with his other side. I'm intrigued by the way Robin and Seo Jin interact. I love that they keep track on each other's lives via CCTV tapes and communicate via video messages. I also find their rules for co-existing rather interesting and I have to wonder, were these rules made up by one side or the other or were they a combined effort? Can these rules be amended? Robin added a twentieth protocol this week and it's one Seo Jin followed, albeit reluctantly. Who was the first to come up with these rules? What happens if they're not followed?

While we're on the subject of these rules (aka protocols), does anyone else see a correlation between the nineteenth protocol and Seo Jin's relationship with his dad? The nineteenth protocol states that when Robin is no longer needed, he has to disappear. Goo Myung Han told Seo Jin that he was no longer an asset and he needed to disappear. This makes me wonder if Seo Jin is dealing with some rather serious inferiority issues and he's taking it out on Robin by instating that protocol. It would make sense for Seo Jin to try to project the animosity he feels from his father, onto Robin as a means of self-preservation. After all, isn't that why Robin appeared in the first place? Because Seo Jin couldn't handle the situation on the bridge, Robin stepped in to save the day and it would seem that he's been doing that ever since. Not just for other people but for Seo Jin as well. I think this is why watching Seo Jin save Ha Na himself was such a powerful scene, because he stepped into the role of the hero on his own. I don't think this is something Seo Jin has ever really done before. That's not to say that Seo Jin is weak because he's not. Just look at the way he's been living the past five years, or the way he stood up to his father this week and told him to back off. No, Seo Jin is strong in a lot of ways, he's just not the hero type and he's admitted as much himself. This is just another reason why I find the relationship between him and Ha Na so interesting. She's pushing him beyond the limits he's set for himself and I want to see where that takes them both. Augh! The anticipation is killing me, especially now that she's moving into his house. Oh Robin! I could kiss that man right now! Setting Ha Na and Seo Jin up like this... It's brilliant I tell you. Absolutely brilliant!

I'm obviously fairly excited about the happenings in this week's episodes but I want to know what you think. Do you have any theories as to who could be behind this mysterious stalker? What do you think of Robin, now that we've gotten a chance to get to know him? What do you think of the relationship between him and Ha Na? Of him and Seo Jin? Of Seo Jin and Ha Na? How long do you think it's going to take for Ha Na to realize Robin isn't Seo Jin's twin? There's still so much we could discuss so be sure to let me know what you're thinking by leaving me a comment below!

Content courtesy of Zombie Mamma - originally posted HERE.

Any opinions expressed are not those of KDramaStars, but are the ideas of the writer.

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