ZOMBIE MAMMA'S DRAMA REVIEW: Hyde, Jekyll and I Episodes 5-6

Hyde Jekyll and I
Hyun Bin
Han Ji Min
Multiple personality disorder
Medical drama

Villains are identified, personalities are swapped and love rivals abound in this week's episodes of "Hyde, Jekyll and I" but it's the over-abundance of warm-fuzzies that has me squeeing like a fangirl, begging for more.

Picking up where we left off last week, Ha Na has settled herself somewhat comfortably in Seo Jin's house and it comes as a surprise to absolutely no one that Seo Jin is less than thrilled by this arrangement. By threatening to tell Ha Na the truth about his identity, Robin has secured both Ha Na's personal safety as well as her job, by signing that contract as Seo Jin. It seems that Robin's got the upper hand over Seo Jin but in a funny twist of fate, Seo Jin takes over Robin's time and suddenly, Robin finds himself unknowingly at Seo Jin's mercy.

But there's more to this week's drama than the battle between Robin and Seo Jin. This week we were more formally introduced to Min Woo Jung and her father. Now that we know Woo Jung's dad is Robin's agent, it makes a bit more sense for her to be obsessing over him. Not that a girl really needs an excuse to swoon over Robin but it does make her claim for his heart a bit more understandable. Having known Robin for years, it makes sense for her to be harboring a crush this long. He was her first crush, after all. Still, Ha Na has the upper hand when it comes to knowing Robin longest though Woo Jung probably wins when it comes to spending quality time with the man. I can't say who has a more rightful claim to Robin's heart but I can say that I loved the little cat fight she and Woo Jung had as they each tried to one-up the other. I'm not sure a drunken argument is really going to solve anything between these two but if Robin overheard any of it then it was worth the pain they suffered the next morning. Plus it gave Robin a legitimate excuse to give Ha Na a piggy-back ride and we all know how much fun those are!

As fun as piggy-back rides are, MTs are better and this week proved it! There's nothing more fun that confessing your love to someone who's as wasted as you are... Okay, so maybe that's not the best way to confess but it certainly made things more interesting. Because having Seo Jin pretending to be Robin wasn't interesting enough??? Actually, I'm so beyond thrilled by the fact that Ha Na made her confession to Seo Jin, rather than Robin. Had Robin been the one to hear those words he would have immediately accepted her confession and that would pretty much be the end of everything. By having Ha Na confess to Seo Jin things are bound to get a lot more interesting. It's obvious that Seo Jin's heart isn't as cold and unaffected as we've all believed it to be and the way his heart fluttered when Ha Na confessed, proves it. But the proof doesn't stop there! Every interaction Seo Jin has with Ha Na after that point further proves that he's falling for her and I'm sitting here doing the happy dance of joy! (Yes, I can dance while I sit. What can I say? It's a gift.)

If I had nothing more to dance over than Seo Jin constantly making my heart flutter and Robin's adorable dimples, I would be a happy zombie but there is more and I'm about to dance myself silly. I can't help it. Yoon Tae Joo finally stepped into the role of the potential lover and OH HAPPY DAY! My favorite second lead actor is finally taking on the role of the second lead! WOOHOO! Sorry. I tend to get a little excited when the adorable second lead finally makes his appearance and this week, Tae Joo did just that. YIPPEE! Okay. Sorry. I'll try to calm myself down now. So, what has me squeeing so much at the moment? I mean if we look at this situation objectively there's not a lot going on. Tae Joo is simply doing what he's paid to do. He's helping Ha Na explore her forgotten memories in an attempt to identify the man who kidnapped Dr. Kang. This isn't exactly a swoon-worthy endeavor, right? Well, it wasn't the first couple of times they were together but him creating this "safe" room in her mind for her and then coming up behind her to cover her eyes and hold her as she tried to overcome her fear most definitely is and I'm not the only one who thinks so! Seo Jin was very much aware of the dangers of having Yoon Tae Joo around while Ha Na tries to overcome her fears which is exactly why he's telling Secretary Kwon to find her another therapist. The green-eyed monster was quick to rear its ugly head as Tae Joo helped to comfort Ha Na after she identified her stalker and I loved every single minute of it! This is why second leads are so wonderful! They force the reluctant lead to admit feelings they wouldn't otherwise admit and spur the lead to take action when he would otherwise back away. Even if Tae Joo's relationship goes no farther than this, he has served his purpose well and I love him for it! (And yes, I'm chair-dancing again.)

I suppose I should be celebrating the capture of Ha Na's stalker but honestly, that's not nearly as satisfying as I thought it would be. I mean it's nice to know the creep is finally behind bars but he's so flipping scary, I don't really believe Ha Na is safe. Apparently Seo Jin doesn't either, which is why he's demanding she stay with him until the doctor can be found. This creeper is dangerous and he's playing with the cops just because he can. I don't think he's going to be spilling the beans anytime soon which means we have the perfect excuse to watch Seo Jin pretend he's not at all interested in Ha Na's well-being. Yippee! (Oh, wait. I probably shouldn't be cheering when our heroine is in mortal peril...) Still, the creeper has been caught and it's only a matter of time before they find the missing doctor and then things will go back to normal. Or so everyone thinks. I have a feeling nothing is going to be "normal" now that Seo Jin's beginning to fall for Ha Na and this slime ball of a cousin, Ryu Seung Yeon, is digging around trying to cause trouble. No. I'm convinced things are only going to get more complicated from here but that's a good thing! Bring on the next episodes! I'm ready for more!

So tell me, what did you think of this week's episodes? Did your heart flutter as many times as mine or am I just being a silly, overly emotional zombie? What did you think of this week's role reversal? Do you think Seo Jin and Robin will be switching roles often now or was this a one-time thing? What do you think of Dr. Yoon? I'm not the only one who finds him completely adorable, am I? Do you feel at ease, now that Ha Na's stalker has been caught or does his capture still leave you feeling a bit unsettled? You know how much I love hearing from you so be sure to let me know what you're thinking by leaving me a comment below!

Content courtesy of Zombie Mamma - originally posted HERE.

Any opinions expressed are not those of KDramaStars, but are the ideas of the writer.

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