Song Yun Ah Will Make a Drama Comeback in 2013.

Song Yoon Ah

Actress Song Yun Ah will make a comeback to the small screen in 2013.

The actress will comeback in 2013, after a 5-year-yea hiatus from dramas, according to industry insiders she will come back around fall time at the latest.

Her agency commented, “There is no definite date yet, but she is looking for a project, because her fans are waiting.”

Song Yun Ah debuted in 1995, in the KBS drama “Age of Individuality.” and have been in dramas like “On Air” “My Beloved Sister” and movies like “Lost in Love” and “Wedding Dress.”

She last participated in the SBS drama “On Air” aired in 2008. She also made a cameo on “Secret Garden” in 2010.

She have participated in a cooking show in 2011 and in 2012 she was a judge in “Korea’s Got Talent.”

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