ZOMBIE MAMMA'S DRAMA REVIEW: Hyde, Jekyll and I Episodes 7-8

Hyde Jekyll and I
Hyun Bin
Han Ji Min
Multiple personality disorder

OH MY GIDDY FLIPPING AUNT! Between the massive attack of warm-fuzzies, the interrogation of a criminal, the revelation of the true criminal mastermind and a kiss, pieces of this mysterious puzzle are slowly falling into place and I'm so overrun by feels I think my heart may actually explode. To say this week's episodes were enjoyable would be the understatement of the century. Needless to say, there's much to discuss so let's get to it!

Picking up where we left off last week, Robin and Seo Jin are at each other's throats over Ha Na and it comes as quite a surprise to Seo Jin to learn that his little prank on Robin, erasing all his messages from Ha Na, actually hurt the lady more than it hurt his other half. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised by this. After all Seo Jin has basically cut himself off from all traces of humanity for the past five years so it's probably easy for him to forget that most humans have feelings but still... Seo Jin himself pointed out that he's still human so why wouldn't he assume that Ha Na is human as well. I guess when you've never thought about anyone other than yourself, you don't really bother to think about how your actions are going to affect other people. On the upside, once Robin points out that Ha Na is hurting because of Seo Jin, he suffers a rare moment of guilt and does what he thinks is best to "compensate" her for her suffering.

While I don't think bribing an entire circus troupe is the best way to apologize for being a jerk, it certainly didn't hurt anything. At least not with the troupe and we all know the best way to win a girl's affections is to win over her friends. If the troupe comes to see Seo Jin in a positive light, it's going to make things between him and Ha Na a lot easier but I'm getting ahead of myself. First Seo Jin has to convince Ha Na he's not a complete hoser and that's still going to take some time but he's slowly making progress. Or trying to anyway... I don't think his overly enthusiastic support of the circus troupe had quite the impact on Ha Na that Seo Jin thought it was going to have but the sincerity behind his actions was clearly visible and that was enough. If he can keep those moments of sincerity up, and keep his moments of awful jerk-face to a minimum, he just might have a chance... Dang it! He's screwed!

Okay, not really. Well, he would be if he nothing more going for him than occasional moments of guilt followed by random bribe-y, albeit sincere, apologies. Luckily, Seo Jin also has this wonderful wounded side (which we now know stems from a dark and painful past) which no woman can resist, not even one as strong as Ha Na. Seeing Seo Jin in his moments of weakness has allowed Ha Na a rare glimpse at the real Seo Jin and it think it startles her to find that he's not nearly as repulsive as she's always believed him to be. Being the compassionate person that she is, Ha Na feels those moments of pain with Seo Jin and her heart can't help but go to him, even if her brain can't understand why. It's probably going to be a while before Seo Jin and Ha Na actually reach the point where they can admit they have feelings for each other but that's okay. While we wait, we'll get to endure an unknown number of moments that make hearts flutter and some that'll make them pound and that, my friends, is one of the many reasons why we love these dramas.

Speaking of... There were so many heart-fluttering moments this week I spent the majority of the time clutching at my heart while I yelled at certain characters to stop being so dang charming. Yes, Robin. I'm looking at you! I know that Robin didn't have a lot of screen-time this week but he certainly made the most of the time he was given! Not only did he help soothe Ha Na's troubled soul he also managed to convince her of his true feelings (three cheers for the eavesdropping female protagonists) and sneak in a kiss. If I didn't love Robin so much, I'd take a moment to say something about the weakness of that lame-sauce kiss but I'll just chalk it up to being at an awkward angle and leave it at that. Just know I'm expecting better things from you in the future, Robin. If you can't live up to the expectations, I'm more than happy to hand Ha Na off to Seo Jin. For some reason, I think he may prove to be the better kisser anyway. Something about being celibate for the past five years... Anyhoo...

I've made a profound discovery this week concerning Robin and Seo Jin. While Robin never ceases to make my heart flutter, Seo Jin is the one who makes my heart pound so hard I feel it all the way down in my toes. Yup. There's just something about the way Seo Jin looks at Ha Na... The way he's letting himself dare to hope for something he hasn't had in years ... Even the way he pushes her away... I know he's trying so hard to remain this cold, untouched, unfeeling robot of a person but it's not working. Ha Na is slowly working her way into his heart and he's trying so hard to fight it but at the same time he's want to give in and it's the conflict between these two sides of himself that has my heart pounding. I suppose it would be easy to give Seo Jin up as a lost cause, especially after he tried so hard to push Ha Na away but I still have hope. For starters, Ha Na hasn't given up on Seo Jin just yet. The simple fact that she made him breakfast proves that. Secondly, Robin is suggesting to Seo Jin and they both start living and enjoying life. This makes me think Robin is acknowledging the fact that Ha Na may have more feelings for Seo Jin than she's willing to admit and Robin is at least somewhat okay with that. They may end up fighting over her eventually (which has apparently happened before) but for now Robin wants to keep Ha Na around and if that means making Seo Jin admit his feelings for her, so be it. And finally, we have the fact that Ha Na is about to find herself in a whole new world of danger and Seo Jin is going to be the one to save her. Why? Because he's the only one who knows what really happened all those years ago and it's going to be his confession that brings all this craziness to an end.

While we're on the subject of crazy, this whole mental hijacking thing is so beyond anything I could have ever imagined, I don't even know how to deal with it. All this time we've been thinking the bad guy is the bad guy and now, all of a sudden, we find that our adorable Dr. Yoon is actually the evil criminal mastermind behind everything. Oh my gosh! How am I even supposed to deal with this!?! I'll admit, I had a horrible sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach as Tae Joo was walking through the parking garage. I mean it's a parking garage! It's the one place bad things are sure to happen! At first I thought someone was going to jump out and whack him but then he made it to the elevator and I suddenly wondered if he'd been in on this evil plot from the beginning. And then he opened the door to his secret room and all my worst fears were suddenly confirmed. The wonderful second I swooned so hard over last week is actually the evil villain. It figures! Now Ha Na is a target and no one suspects Tae Joo in the least and suddenly Robin shows up and... and... AUGH! There's just too much to deal with right now!

I don't know how well you're faring after these two episodes but I'm dying. I need to know what happens next! *sobs* Why is Wednesday so far away!?! While I wait impatiently for the next episode, I'd love to know what you thought of this week's developments so be sure to let me know by leaving me a comment below!

Content courtesy of Zombie Mamma - originally posted HERE.

Any opinions expressed are not those of KDramaStars, but are the ideas of the writer.

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