K-Drama Stars Who Love Their Pets

Jo Yoon Hee
Gu Hye Sun

K-drama stars have busy schedules that can making taking care of pets difficult. However, a few like to surround themselves with more than their fair share of furry friends.

Actresses Gu Hye Sun and Jo Yoon Hee are among the stars that have more than one pet at home.

Jo Yoon hee, who stars in the historical drama "Shine or Go Crazy" with Jang Hyuk has taken part in campaigns to encourage people to foster abandoned dogs and she has opened her own home to them. She has eight dogs currently living in her home.

"I am taking care of abandoned dogs," she said. "They are happy with me. It's good to know you can protect something and be happy together."

Some people have found her behavior to be excessive. One dog is good or maybe two, but eight?

"Some people worry that I might find it hard to have a boyfriend because of the dogs but it's not like that," she said. "I just want to use a bit of my life helping animals. I feel my emotions getting stronger when I take care of dogs. I am sad when something happens to my pets."

An actress who would not argue with her choice is Gu Hye Sun, the star of the drama "Blood." She has publicly joked that she has a "pet addiction."

On a recent episode of the KBS program "Happy Together," she told viewers that she had 10 cars and dogs.

"I have eight dogs and two cats at my home," she said. "I don't raise them all though. Of the ten, six are my responsibility. They each have their own rooms and eat their food separately."

When asked if she had big house, she said it was about 7,000 square meters. But she admitted she lived in only a small part of it. She did not say what percentage of the real estate the pets occupied.

Most-kdrama actors who are pet lovers settle for one or two pets. Jung Il Woo, who recently starred in "Golden Rainbow," is very fond of his Shar Pei dog Ahwoo.

It was a gift from a fan and he called it the best gift he ever received. Kim Jaejoong, who appears in the spy thriller "Spy" is fond of his smoke-colored cat Jiji. His JYJ band mate Junsu has several cats. And just for the record, Yoon Eun Hye has a puppy, while Kim So Eun prefers cats.

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