Yoon Kye Sang Debunks Honey Lee's Nude Photo Scandal

Lee Honey
Yoon Kye Sang

A photo taken by actress and beauty queen Lee Honey is generating some controversy. It was a photo of her boyfriend g.o.d. singer and actor Yoon Kye Sang bathing their dog.

That would seem harmless enough but when Yoon Kye Sang posted the photo on his fan café page, netizens began commenting that the photo contained a reflection of her half-nude silhouette in the glass doors of the shower. The photo quickly became a trending topic.

Both Yoon and Lee, who plays Hwangbon Yeo Won and later Queen Daemok in "Shine Or Go Crazy," denied any nude image in the photo. But wanted to halt any future speculation so Yoon Kye Sang quickly deleted the photo.

On March 19, Yoon Kye Sang's agency, Saram Entertainment told Newsen that it was a misunderstanding.

"The picture circulating online is being misunderstood as a picture of Honey Lee's naked silhouette but this is not true."

Saram Entertainment called the whole incident a misunderstanding.

"Yoon Kye San posted this on his fan café page and there was some area of misunderstanding, so he deleted the picture and that's all. It is definitely not a leaked nude picture. However, this picture is being edited maliciously and circulated under the guide that Honey Lee posted her nude upper body onto SNS and deleted it, which is a shame."

While the topic was a trending one, most netizens were not too concerned. So what if Lee Honey was not fully dressed in her own bathroom? People often carelessly upload photos on social media without carefully examining them. And if you are a celebrity, the stakes are high. But Yoon Kye Sang, 36, and Lee Honey, 32, are adults and have acknowledged their relationship.

Lee and Yoon actually owe their relationship to a scandal. A few years ago rumors began to spread that they were dating when they were seen leaving for Bali on the same day.

The actors had met at the Busan Film Festival the year before and coincidentally were going to Bali on the same day. Kim Tae Woo, a fellow g.o.d. member confirmed that the singer-turned-actor went to Bali alone. And he later said that said the two might never have become a couple if it wasn't for the scandal.

"The scandal made the two close and quickly advanced their relationship," said Kim.

The couple went public with their relationship in 2013. They have discussed marriage but say they are waiting for the right time, as their career obligations are demanding.

Yoon Kye Sang last appeared in the 2014 drama "The Full Sun" and two films "Red Carpet" and "Minority Opinion." In 2015 he will appear in the film "Dramatic One Night."

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