Park Si Yeon, Jang Mi In Ae, and Lee Seung Yeon Officially Charged For Propofol Use

Park Si Yeon
Jang Mi In Ae
Lee Seung Yeon

Actresses Park Si Yeon, Jang Mi In Ae, Lee Seung Yeon and announcer Hyun Young have been incriminated officially for the usage of Propofol.

On March 13th, the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office indicted without detention, the actresses and other 7 people for illegally using and distributing the drug which is a narcotic used to induce sleep or loss of consciousness. It's mostly used in anesthetics.

The prosecutors revealed that Park Si Yeon was found to have used the drug for 185 times for almost two years. Lee Seung Yeon used for 111 times last year. Jang Mi In Ae for 95 times for a few months, and announcer Hyun Young for 42 times for almost a year.

All of the celebrities said before, starting to get investigated in January and February. At the time, all of the actresses' agencies stated that the actreses did use he drug, but for medical proposes, and that they were following doctor's prescriptions. They also said, that some of them didn’t even know they were using the drug.

Two doctors were charged with detention, and five other people were also charged, including a entertainment CEO who asked doctors to destroy records of actresses attending the clinics.

Park Si Yeon's agency said that they will work hard to have the actress exonerated from the charges, as they believe she is completely innocent.

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