ZOMBIE MAMMA'S DRAMA REVIEW: Producer Episodes 5-6

The Producers
Gong Hyo Jin
Kim Soo Hyun

Before we talk about this week's episodes I just have to ask, is anyone else falling hard for Baek Seung Chan or am I alone in my swooning? Something tells me Cindy and I aren't the only ones charmed by his cuteness but I had to ask anyway, just to make sure. Now that that's out of the way, let's discuss this week's episodes, shall we?

We (or maybe just I) left off last week swooning over Seung Chan as he moved to protect Cindy from the rain while they were shooting the first episode of 2 Days, 1 Night. What we didn't learn until this week was that adorably sweet moment of chivalry was nothing more than that; a fleeting moment of sweetness that was soon abandoned in an attempt to protect the camera from the downpour. (I know, I probably shouldn't be laughing about this but I can't help myself. Apparently I am twelve.) I have a feeling I'm really going to enjoy the filming of 2 Days, 1 Night not because the show itself seems all that fun (let's face it, with a 6.8% rating, it probably isn't) but because I'm finding it a whole lot of fun to watch Cindy fall victim to Seund Chan's complete cluelessness. There are moments when he really is the poster boy for bumbling idiots and then he has moments of complete brilliance and I'm in awe of how both types of moments have such an impact on those around him. I'm pretty sure poor Cindy is going to be the most affected by his less-than-brilliant moments but at the same time, I think she's also going to benefit from his moments of brilliance and in the end, she's going to be the one who benefits the most from both.

Cindy lives in such a warped world, I can't help but pity her. She spends her days surrounded by people who either love her to death or treat her like a possession and as a result, she has no concept of what a real relationship is like nor does she know what it's like to be around "real" people. She's treated as both a princess and a slave and it's that juxtaposition that has shaped her into this warped human being who has no idea what it's like to really live. She's trapped in this horrible idol world bubble and I am hoping against hope that Seung Chan can help her realize that there's so much more life she could be living. If only she dared to pop this bubble! Because let's face it, no matter how hard Seung Chan (or anyone else for that matter) tries to help Cindy out of this mess of a world she lives in, it's ultimately Cindy who is going to decide whether or not she wants to do more with her life than live at the mercy of the horrible Byeon-pire. (And yes, I'm going to call her that for the rest of forever because it makes me laugh so much. Again, I am twelve.)

As much as I hope Seung Chan will be the one to help humanize Cindy, I also hope he can do the same for Ye Jin. Where Cindy is trapped in one awful world, Ye Jin is trapped in another and it seems to me she's having a rather difficult time finding her way in it. Stuck in a male-dominated profession, Ye Jin has been fighting for her position and the respect that should come with it, for so long that she's forgotten how to be a normal person. Everything for Ye Jin has become a competition, a constant push and pull/give and take, make the most of every opportunity, throw yourself out there kind of world and she's so caught up in trying to make herself seem important that she's forgetting who she really is. This is where Seung Chan comes in. He's such an odd-duck in the PD world, he's not at all caught up in positions or titles or fame or glamour, he's simply trying to do the best he can at his job and I think Ye Jin would do well to learn a few lessons from this rookie. For instance, if she would just shut up for five seconds and think before she spoke, she'd be a lot less likely to shove her foot in her mouth and maybe, just maybe, she'd be able to improve some of the relations she has a work. At the very least, she might actually find herself on an idol's manager and/or an entertainment company's good side which might help make her life a little bit easier. As it is, Ye Jin is stuck in this weird place where everyone knows her but no one really likes her which makes me think she and Cindy have more in common than either of them realize. Now if only these two could find themselves on the same side, they might actually benefit from each other's wisdom, talent and experience. But what are the odds of that ever happening?

I hate to say it but at this point, I see Cindy and Ye Jin becoming competitors more than I see them becoming comrades. Cindy is falling so hard for Seung Chan while Seung Chan is falling for Ye Jin which means, more than likely, there's going to be some fierce competition between these two ladies before the end. However, I can very easily see this competition coming from more than one direction. We all know Ye Jin likes Joon Mo and Cindy likes Seung Chan but Joon Mo is being a complete idiot when it comes to the way he's dealing with Ye Jin's feelings. In his attempt to keep the good thing he's got going with Ye Jin from falling apart, he's acting like a fool and as a result, things with Ye Jin have fallen spectacularly to pieces. In the wake of this massive fallout, Ye Jin is very likely to get swept away by Seung Chan and his adorable moments of chivalrous trouble-making. (Yes, that whole "I apologize for the trouble I'm about to cause" scene made me melt. I'm not only twelve, I'm also a sap.) Even if Ye Jin somehow manages to steel herself against Seung Chan's cuteness, Joon Mo is very likely to observe at least a few of these moments and the green-eyed monster of jealousy is sure to rear its ugly head. In retaliation, Joon Mo could very easily become chummy with Cindy, in the hopes it causes Ye Jin's own jealous monster to surface. Even if Cindy doesn't fall for Joon Mo, she's certainly capable of being friendly with him because he's as much against the Byeon-pire as she is and I'm sure she'd love nothing more than to team up with him against the evil one. Cindy could also befriend Joon Mo with the hopes that it causes Seung Chan's jealous monster to appear as well. With all this hypothetical teaming up, it certainly seems possible Cindy and Joon Mo could find the companionship they've been missing in each other but perhaps I'm getting too far ahead of the game. At this point, any number of ships could sail and I honestly have no idea which one I'm rooting for so I think for now I'll just content myself with observing.

What I want to know is, which ship are you hoping sets sail? Do you have any idea which way things are going to go from here? Do you think I'm putting too much hope in Seung Chan, thinking he can help both Cindy and Ye Jin out of the strange worlds they're currently living in? Do you find Cindy and Ye Jin's worlds to be all that messed up in the first place? Am I reading too much into things here? How do you think Joon Mo fits into this equation? Will he and Seung Chan end up being rivals? You know I always love hearing from you so be sure to let me know what you're thinking by leaving me a comment below!

Content courtesy of Zombie Mamma - originally posted HERE.

Any opinions expressed are not those of KDramaStars, but are the ideas of the writer.

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