Missionary Sentenced To Jail Time For Threatening And Harassing Honey Lee

Honey Lee

A male missionary has been sentenced to jail time for threatening and harassing actress Honey Lee.

The man in question, identified only as A, reportedly harassed Lee repeatedly from February to June 2013. He was alleged to have written disturbing and slanderous posts and threatened the actress with physical harm.

The 47-year-old man said that he first saw Honey Lee in 2006. He attended a performance where she played the gayagum, a classical Korean instrument. Besides being an actress, Honey Lee is a professional gaygeum player and was considered a prodigy. She has released 4 CDS of her music and performed in more than 25 countries.

At first, A commented that after seeing her perform he had fallen in love with her. On Twitter he wrote that he wanted to meet her but had no idea how to contact her. By 2009, when he realized he might never meet her, he began posting insulting comments. Altogether he posted about 290 comments, about 233 of which were ruled to be offensive, 23 were considered threatening and 34 comments that were ruled to be sexual harassment.

According to the Korean media outlet Newsen, in one comment A threatened to pull out all of Honey Lee's hair for tempting him. He also claimed that he was motivated to make his comments after having conversations with God. He alleged that God meant for him to marry Lee Honey

"Why, God! Do you make me cry tears of blood," he wrote. "By choosing such a woman as my spouse? I will pull all of Honey Lee's hair out."

On June 9 the Seoul Central Court sentenced A to a year in jail for threatening and defaming the actress.

"The defendant has claimed that he wrote the posts after hearing the voice of God, and most of what he says is not something he has really witnessed," said the judge who ruled on the verdict. "The victim has stated that what the defendant said as truth is also false. Therefore we must rule that his comments are not based in facts."

The judge also said that it was a serious crime because the defendant used social media to defame and insult the victim over a long period of time.

Honey Lee last appeared in the dramas "Modern Farmer" and "Shine Or Go Crazy." Her most recent films are "Tazza: The Hidden Card" and the 2015 film "Robot Sori."

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