ZOMBIE MAMMA'S DRAMA REVIEW: Producer Episodes 9-10

The Producers
Gong Hyo Jin
Kim Soo Hyun

With only two episodes standing between us and the end of this drama, you know things this week are going to pick up and oh boy, do they ever! Confessions are flying left and right yet we're still no closer to figuring out how this complicated love square is going to work out. While we may not have an idea how these couples are going to pair off, we do still have a lot to talk about so let's get to it!

Last week we left Seung Chan stuck in a rather sticky predicament as, on his way to meet Ye Jin at the movies, he gets a call from Cindy, asking him to meet with her as she stands outside his apartment, in the rain no less. Unable to contact Ye Jin and tell her what's up, Seung Chan finds himself torn between this quasi-date with Ye Jin and the desperate plea of one very distraught Cindy. Not wanting to disappoint either woman, Seung Chan does the only thing he can think to do... He meets Ye Jin at the theater and tells her they can't watch the movie because Cindy's waiting for him at home. I don't think anyone was really happy with this rather awkward situation but it did give Cindy a chance to fully understand the level of Seung Chan's feelings for Ye Jin which means she can now begin to work on figuring out how she wants to proceed from this point.

Despite the confrontation and disagreements that have arisen between Seung Chan and Cindy in the past, there's still a whole lot of chemistry between these two and I was happy to see that they made a lot of progress this week, in terms of clearing the air between them. It's done Cindy some good, taking to heart the things Seung Chan has said to her and then putting the lessons she's learned from them into practice. By doing this she's beginning to understand herself and her position and this is causing her to slowly morph into a better person. Does she still have room to grow? Yes. But don't we all? Rather than brushing any sort of reprimand or instruction, Cindy is beginning to listen and it's changing everything around her. For the first time in who knows how long, Cindy is slowly finding herself surrounded by friends who sincerely care about her as a person, not just as an idol and that just makes me happy. This poor girl needs a friend more than anything and I'm happy she's finding she has them as she may find she needs all the help and support she can get in her battle with the Byun-pire.

We all knew Cindy's relationship with CEO Byun is nothing but toxic but this week we got to see just how malicious this horrible woman is. Disappointed in Cindy's recent behavior, the Byun-pire is doing everything she can to ruin Cindy's reputation and her career, just as she has always done to those who have ever dared to cross her. While bringing in this rookie to "train" (aka compete) with Cindy may seem harmless enough, it's actually a vicious attack against Cindy and it's one this veteran isn't going to take lightly. Cindy's been in this business long enough, she's been in the position of the rising star and she knows what the Byun-pire is capable of. There is no surprise on Cindy's part when this rookie shows up but there's also no willingness to just bend over and take this crap from the CEO. I was thoroughly impressed with the way Cindy played the crowd at that fan meeting and I admire the way Cindy confronted the Byun-pire afterwards. Not only did Cindy tell this awful woman straight up that if she wants to play this game, Cindy's more than ready, she also opened this up-and-coming rookie's eyes to what was really going on. In essence, Cindy put both the rookie and the CEO on guard and told them this wasn't something she was going to take lightly. Meanwhile, I'm just sitting here, cheering Cindy on because in no universe should the Byun-pire ever win.

As much as I want Cindy to triumph over her CEO, I'm still on the fence as to how I want things to play out between her and Seung Chan. I think he's a very valuable friend to Cindy and I think it's adorable, how much she likes him but I'm not sure I can see more developing between them. I suppose the problem is Seung Chan is completely caught up in his feelings for Ye Jin and the moment and no amount of confessing and flirting on Cindy's part is going to change that. No matter who you are or how hard you try, you can't force someone to like you and I'm pretty sure Cindy knows this. If this is really the case, it would explain Cindy's rather passive approach to Seung Chan. Yes, that kiss at the amusement park was anything but passive but since the movie incident, Cindy has mellowed. She still obviously likes Seung Chan very much and her thank you speech after winning on Music Bank was so sweet but she hasn't really done anything since. Does this mean Cindy has accepted the fact Seung Chan has feelings for Ye Jin? Is she willing to accept her fate in this one-sided love or is she simply biding her time, hoping that sometime in the future, Seung Chan's feelings will change?

While we wait for the answers to these questions, we also have to ask what Ye Jin is going to do, now that she knows how Seung Chan feels about her? Is she going to accept his feelings and let this kiss become the start of something more or is she going to push him away? Will this unexpected confession of feelings force Ye Jin to take some time to seriously think about her relationships, not just with Seung Chan but with Joon Mo as well? Is Ye Jin still holding onto the hope that Joon Mo will someday confess his feelings for her? Will Joon Mo ever get up the courage to actually tell Ye Jin he likes her or will he continue to let misunderstandings blow everything completely out of proportion? Honestly, it's so frustrating watching Joon Mo around Ye Jin because he knows he needs to tell her how he feels about her but he's still holding back? Why? Because he's afraid this confession will ruin their friendship? They've already discussed the fact that there may come a day when they can no longer be friends. Does he really want to wait until they're both married to someone else before he confesses that he's really only ever loved Ye Jin? Oh geeze! Joon Mo had better start getting his act together or I'm gonna find a way to smack him. I really don't want to suffer through another Dean/Rory nightmare! (Not that this show has enough episodes to get us that far into the future... Thank goodness!)

I wish I could predict how Ye Jin is going to react to both Seung Chan and Joon Mo's confessions. I also wish I knew whether Joon Mo was every going to sincerely confess but that's a whole other story. If Joon Mo does confess, is Ye Jin still in a position to reciprocate his feelings or has he left things in limbo for far too long? Will Seung Chan's confession/kiss sway Ye Jin's heart or does it actually belong to Joon Mo? I don't think Ye Jin knows the answer to these questions so it's impossible for us to make any sort of guess which means we're just going to have to wait and find out. Again. (You'd think I'd be used to this waiting thing by now... *sigh*)

So tell me, what did you think of this week's episodes? Did that kiss catch you by surprise or were you expecting as much? How do you think things are going to play out between these couples? Did anyone else squee over that moment of passion between Kim Hong Soon and Ko Yang Mi? (Sorry but they're still the only couple I'm officially shipping.) You know I always love hearing from you so be sure to let me know what you're thinking by leaving me a comment below!

Content courtesy of Zombie Mamma - originally posted HERE.

Any opinions expressed are not those of KDramaStars, but are the ideas of the writer.

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