Kim Hyun Joong, Yoon Si Yoon, Uee, Lee Boom Soo and Others Cast in New SBS Variety Show

Kim Hyun Joong
Yoon Si Yoon
Lee Beom Soo

Actors Kim Hyun Joong, Yoon Si Yoon, Uee, Lee Boom Soo will be part of the next Kang Ho Dong's show.

It has been recently revealed that the actors and comedians Kang Ho Dong, Yoo Se Yoon and singer Yoon Jong Shin will all participate in a new SBS variety show.

The show's name or concept has not been revealed yet, but it will be in the "Good Sunday" lineup alongside "Running Man" and it will replace “K-Pop Stars 2” after its run in over on April 15th.

The show will consist of seven or eight people, currently there are 6 confirmed people, and it was said, Super Junior's Eunhyuk received the offer to appear on the show, and he is currently thinking about it.

The show is getting much attention, as this is yet another Kang Dong Ho show, that will feature big names such as Kim Hyun Joong who will comeback to variety shows, after being focused on his music and world tours in the recent years. As well as Yoon Si Yoon and Lee Beom Soo's first appearance as a fixed member on a variety show. Uee will comeback to variety shows after participating in “Night After Night” in 2011.

They will shoot their first episode overseas in early April and the show will premiere on April 21st.

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