D Stands For Disaster In 'D-Day'

Kim Young Kwang
Jung So Min
Ha Suk Jin

Imagine Seoul after a devastating earthquake. That's what the producers of "D-Day" have done. They created a drama about the members of a disaster medical assistance team who rescue and treat victims during the chaos that follows an earthquake.

And the producers of the weekend drama have rounded up a great cast to bring this nightmare scenario to life.

"D-Day" will star Kim Young Kwang, last seen in "Plus Nine Boys" and "Pinocchio." Kim plays Dr. Lee Hae Song, a cancer surgeon who really wants to work in emergency care. The earthquake offers him the perfect opportunity, as the city's usual relief systems prove to be inadequate for a disaster of this magnitude. Rescue workers and emergency doctors must improvise to bring help to the injured.

Improvisation is something that Dr. Lee Hae Song is good at. Lee was never the kind of doctor who liked to follow rules and while his unorthodox approach to life creates problems in many everyday situations, it also makes him a very effective doctor in an emergency situation. He's used to thinking outside of the box.

His disaster medical assistance team will include characters played by Ha Suk Jin, Jung Jo Min, and Kim Jung Hwa.

Ha Suk Jin, who was last seen in the drama "Legendary Witches" and before that played Son Ye Jin's husband in "Shark," will plays Dr. Han Woo Jin. He's Dr. Lee's surgery senior at the hospital.

Jung So Min plays the orthopedic surgeon Jung Dol Mi. Min last played Daniel Choi's younger sister in the drama "Big Man" and this year can also be seen in the film "Twenty" with Kim Woo Bin.

Kim Jung Hwa, who was last seen in "Dating Agency Cyrano," plays Eun So Yul, a psychologist who specializes in trauma treatment. Lee Kyung Young, who recently appeared in "Misaeng," will play the hospital director.

And Infinite's Lee Sung Yeol, last seen in "High School Love On," has a yet to be named supporting role.

How many lives will this team save? And what challenges will they meet as they try to save them? The JTBC medical drama promises to be exciting.

"D-Day" was originally scheduled to air in August is now scheduled to air late in September after the final episode of the drama "Last."

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