Actor Nam Joo Hyuk of the popular KBS 2 TV Monday Tuesday drama 'Who Are You - School 2015' filmed a fashion photo shoot. In the photo shoot, actor Nam Joo Hyuk wore a red and white checkered shirt and a dark navy pair of jeans. On the recently ended popular KBS 2 TV Monday Tuesday drama 'Who Are You - School 2015' actor Nam Joo Hyuk played a high school student Han Yi Ahn, who has a fling with Lee Eun Bi, played by actress Kim So Hyun. In related news, The popular KBS 2 TV Monday Tuesday drama 'Who Are You - School 2015' tells a story of a high school girl Kim So Hyun, whose life is changed all of a sudden one morning. It is the latest serie of the School series, which has been in existence since the 1990s. Actors Kim So Hyun, Jo Soo Hyang and Nam Joo Hyun in addition to many others star in the drama. After the KBS 2 TV Monday Tuesday drama 'Who Are You - School 2015' ended last month, a new drama called 'I Remember You' premiered, starring actress Jang Na Ra and actor Seo In Kook.
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