The MBC Wednesday and Thursday historical vampire drama 'Scholar Who Walks the Night' actor Lee Joon Ki was spotted wearing hanbok on a hot summer day. the production team of the MBC Wednesday and Thursday historical vampire drama 'Scholar Who Walks the Night' shared a photo of actor Lee Joon Ki, who is the main lead in the drama, wearing hanbok in the filming scene of the drama. They said, "Everyone is working hard to produce a good drama." In related news, on the most recent episode of the MBC Wednesday and Thursday historical vampire drama 'Scholar Who Walks the Night' Jo Yang Sun, played by actress Lee Yoo Bi, fell in love with Kim Sung Yeol, played by actor Lee Joon Ki, starting her one sided love. In related news, the MBC Wednesday and Thursday historical vampire drama 'Scholar Who Walks the Night' tells a love story of Kim Sung Yeol, played by actor Lee Joon Ki, Jo Yang Sun, played by actress Lee Yoo Bi. It is a dangerous love story of a vampire who tries to kill people and a guardian ghost who tries to stop him. It airs every Wednesday and Thursday at 10 p. m. on MBC.
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