"That Winter The Wind Blows" Song Hye Kyo Asks Jo In Sung "Were You Happy?"

That Winter The Wind Blows
Jo In Sung
Song Hye Kyo

SBS drama "That Winter The Wind Blows" came to an end as one of the most unforgettable dramas. "That Winter The Wind Blows" has been referred to as the drama with a psychological-melodrama.

The climax in the drama wasn't when something happened. The climax was when psychological changes occurred. With close-ups that showed every detail of the actors' face expressions, viewers were able to stay close next to Oh Soo (Jo In Sung) and see through Oh Young's (Song Hye Kyo) heart. This drama also gave viewers another chance to get more familiar with actors Jo In Sung and Song Hye Kyo.

"That Winter The Wind Blows" allowed both Song Hye Kyo and Jo In Sung to successfully return to the drama industry after 5 and 8 years respectively. Even though their interviews were separate, Song Hye Kyo and Jo In Sung seem to have shared a lot of the same emotions while working on the drama together.

** "How Do You Feel About the Successful Completion of 'That Winter The Wind Blows'?"

Song Hye Kyo:

"This was a project that gave me a chance to experience more adventures in the future. Since this drama was so successful, I think I will be able to choose a piece without wondering about how popular it will be. I am thinking about taking another adventure since 'That Winter The Wind Blows' turned out so well."

Jo In Sung:

"I feel like I have to express my thoughts extravagantly just like how the drama turned out to be. However for now, I'm relieved. I feel that I will be able to continue onto a next project. I drank a lot after the last episode aired but I woke up really early the next day regardless. I spoke to Kim I I began to tear while I was speaking to Beom and writer Noh Hui Kyung on the phone. It was very strange. I don't know why that happened. I was crying and they just listened quietly."

** "It Was a Very Emotional Drama, It Must Have Been Extremely Difficult..."

Song Hye Kyo:

"It was very hard. I was exhausted numerous times and when those scenes were over I just sat still looking into space for a while, not able to do anything. Even after I went home after filming those emotional scenes, I was constantly worried whether I did okay or not, so I barely got any rest even at home. Since everything was produced very early and on schedule, it was physically very comfortable but the mental stress was worse."

"I was very lonely while preparing for the scene where Oh Young says goodbye to Oh Soo. I felt like I was actually Oh Young. I was so lonely while I was saying goodbye to Oh Soo after returning from the vacation house in the mountain. I can't forget how I felt while I was saying my lines for the scene."

Jo In Sung:

"I felt like I was actually going to die while I was filming the 16th episode. There was a kiss scene with Oh Young and then a scene where Oh Soo leaves a video message for Oh Young after having an emotional conversation with her. I had to film those scenes right after the other and it really felt like I was about to die. Also, there was a heliport near the set so whenever there was a helicopter nearby, we couldn't film because we can't record our voices. I watched the drama on TV and realized that I am the one near death rather than Oh Young."

** "What Did You Think About Jo In Sung's Crying Scene?"

Song Hye Kyo:

"Since I had to act without looking into his eyes, I had to watch him on television as one of the viewers. I always knew the acting and what it says in the script but there were times when the scene came out completely different on the screen so I was always curious about each broadcast. It was beyond my expectations each time. Honestly, most male actors look very similar in crying scenes but Jo In Sung has the ability to express more emotions than some female actors. It is amazing to see and because of this, my heart ached more at times."

Jo In Sung:

"Hye Kyo was generous with her compliments regarding my crying scenes but in all honesty, people don't have several crying faces. I was afraid because writer Noh Hui Kyung has seen every single work I have done in the past. I was afraid that this character would be overlapped by my previous characters because of the crying scene but writer Noh Hui Kyung told me, 'Don't worry. Even if it is the same crying scene, it will be different from the past since you have gotten older and more mature'."

** "Did You See The Parody By Shin Dong Yup and Lee Young Ja?"

Jo In Sung:

"Don't you think it's amazing? I think 'That Winter The Wind Blows' was made into a parody because of all the love and support from the viewers."

Song Hye Kyo:

"I have a lot of respect for comedians. How can they act with stern faces in such a situation like that? It was very entertaining but one side of me felt sad because people will think of this parody when they think of this scene that was a painful scene for Oh Young and Oh Soo. (laughs)"

** "How Do You Feel About the Pre-Production method of 'That Winter The Wind Blows' used?"

Song Hye Kyo:

"Since we weren't being chased by time, it was more comfortable compared to filming each episode up until it is scheduled to be broadcasted. I really hope more production crews decide on this method. Not just for me but I think viewers will be able to concentrate on the story more since the project will be more perfected. This method allowed me to work harder."

"I wouldn't be able to say anything if I didn't experience this firsthand but now that I realized how effective it is, I think I will take the method of production into very careful consideration from now on. I think I will hesitate if I had to film a drama in a setting where I would have to be under pressure because of the short deadline."

Jo In Sung:

"It is different from other dramas because we were able to reshoot a scene if the editors didn't like it. It might not be my place to say this but I hope this method becomes established as the official method of production for filming. There are probably a lot of aspects that I don't know about, like the organization, production budget and etc, but I hope the set becomes a place where nobody is distressed."

** "How Was The Chemistry With Other Actors On Set?"

Jo In Sung:

"It killed. Hye Kyo did everything and turned all the credit to me. We both knew. We knew each other's territory and knew exactly when we had to be more understanding of each other. Hye Kyo knows when I'm trying to be more understanding and she does the same with me. The reason all the actors are able to give other actors the credit is because we all feel how each and every person tried to be more understanding of each other and worked with the other's pace. I really wonder if I will ever get a chance to work on a project where I'll develop the same type of connection as this one."

Song Hye Kyo:

"If Jo In Sung and I were actors in our 20s, burning with passion to get ahead in our own careers, we would have had some problems. There are times when you have to bring out the light in the other actors and vice versa. When actors meet before realizing this, they tend to clash. We both have a lot of experience and have a wider perspective in looking at a project, so we had really good chemistry."

When Song Hye Kyo was asked whether she had anything to ask Jo In Sung, Song Hye Kyo became deep in thought. Song Hye Kyo answered, "What should I ask. I want to ask him, 'In Sung, were you happy that winter?'"

Two days later, Jo In Sung answered the question, "I was just as happy as you were."

Even though his answer was short, it revealed the connection Song Hye Kyo and Jo In Sung developed while working together. As if Jo In Sung already knew how Song Hye Kyo was feeling, he had answered, "I was just as happy as you were."

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