Park Hyung Sik Shares His Thoughts On Love And Marriage

Park Hyung Sik
High society

ZE:A singer Park Hyung Sik did a convincing job of playing a man in love in the recent romantic drama "High Society." But in real life, he says, he is still pretty innocent when it comes to romance.

According to a recent interview with Korea's Nate News, in some respects he is just like the character he played, chaebol Yoo Chang Soo. If he was truly in love he is sure that he would be willing to give up a lot for the person he loved.

In the drama his character Yoo Chang Soo defied his mother's request that he marry a rich girl. He chose a poor one instead. Although he was prepared to sacrifice his fortune and position in his family's company, he ultimately did not have to. Before winning his mom's approval, the mismatched couple did have to date in secret.

Would he also date in secret or would he announce his real life relationship to the public?

"If she was the one I wanted to marry then I think it would be all right to expose our relationship," said Park. "When will I get married though? When I am capable of taking care of my own family. I would like to get married when I find the one I love. I don't believe in waiting to get married when you love someone. I would want to make that person mine rather than lose her."

Although he's only 23, he thinks people took love more seriously in the good old days, at least in the days when his father was young. He thinks that nowadays people rush into relationships too fast.

"People these days don't realize the meaning of love and relationships," said Park. "In our father's generation, everyone had a curfew so it was more affectionate and undying, but you don't find that these days."

And he is pretty specific about the circumstances under which he would fall in love. It would not be on the set of a drama.

"I want to meet my true love while I am on vacation," he said. "It would be great. I wouldn't want to come back home."

And non-Korean girls may be pleased to hear that he finds the looks of foreign actresses very appealing. He listed Kristen Stewart and Amanda Seyfried as examples of attractive foreign actresses.

"I think they are so attractive. Meeting one of them would be an openingg to a new culture and I can learn English. I did an ad with a foreign model once and I almost fell into her eyes."

Before "High Society," Park appeared in "Persevere Goo Hae-Ra," "What Happens to My Family," and "The Heirs." He also played a young Lee Jin Wook in "Nine: Nine Time Travels."

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