Eugene's Real Romance Story "I Asked for His Number First"

Ki Tae Young

Actress Eugene revealed the story about her love story with her husband Ki Tae Young.

Actress Eugene appeared for an interview on an episode of the MBC TV show "Knee-Drop Guru". Regarding her love story, Eugene began by stating, "I became really close to my husband Ki Tae Young while we worked on the same drama together. It was not love-at-first-sight. It wasn't for me and it wasn't for him either."

Eugene continued, "At first I thought, 'it's going to be really hard to get close to this person'. He seemed like he had a wall. Usually, I try really hard to get to know all my co-stars but with Ki Tae Young, I just said hello and didn't continue speaking to him. He seemed like he had no sense of socializing. He didn't even know much about the girl group SES."

She added, "Eventually I asked Ki Tae Young's stylist for his number so that we could film the drama successfully. Then we began talking to each other on a messenger and realized that we could talk about a lot of things together. As I got to know him more, I began to realize that he is a really good person."

Regarding their first moves, Eugene revealed, "He asked me out first. His proposal was so romantic. He asked a song writer to write a song for him. He sang the song to me and proposed. The song was released one year after our wedding. The title is 'Oh My Fairy'."

When she was asked to describe Ki Tae Young, Eugene stated, "He is very devoted to his family. I hate bad-boy styles. Ki Tae Young does not have anything like that and we can carry on a conversation very easily. That aspect began earning my trust. His looks are kind of sexy. I don't think the TV screen shows how sexy he really is."

Lastly, Eugene added, "This summer, it will be two years since I married Ki Tae Young. I still can't live without my husband right next to me. He is like an onion. He is very clear on who is his person and who is not. He is also very jealous."

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