Jackie Collins Dies of Breast Cancer at 77


One of the most popular fiction author and writer of her times, Jackie Collins, died at the age of 77 fighting her battle with breast cancer in Los Angeles. The British-born writer had all 32 of her novels list on to the New York best seller list and had sold more than 500 million copies with a career that spanned for four decades. She was famed for novels such as Hollywood Wives and The Stud, said the New York Times. She recently released her latest novel The Santangelos on June 2015.

Her family issued a statement announcing her death stating that 'we announce the death of our beautiful, dynamic and one-of-a-kind mother.' She lived a wonderfully full-life adored by friends, family and readers, the statement said further. Collins was diagnosed with stage-four cancer six and half years ago and had been undergoing treatment ever since, reported BBC. She is survived by three daughters and six grand children.

She had once stated that as a youngster she got not encouragement for her being a writer until she married her second husband Oscar Lerman who told her that she could write. She topped in English composition in school but in everything else she was 2 out of 100,she told the Guardian in 2011, said The Guardian.

She got into controversies in her early part of her career due to steamy novels that outraged political figures from Britain to China, said the Guardian. The World is Full of Married Men was her first novel published in 1968 and was 'deemed filthy and disgusting' by author Barbara Cartland and was banned in several countries including Australia. The book featured a woman who cheated on her husband and was interested in married men. The book was 'way ahead of its times' said Collins later in an interview, reported The Guardian.

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